In the beginning was the Tab-mate Controller… and it was a disaster.
Now we get the CLIP STUDIO TABMATE, and finally it’s for real.
I thought I’d write some reviews about products I use in my workflow, and about new and interesting things that come out.
Nothing to Lose is a 3D animation episodic series about an unlikely group of survivors as they try to cope with their losses and each other during the zombie apocalypse. Series Premiere – Early 2016 Nothing to Lose starring Mike Wilson, Rebekah Armstrong, Andrew Mooney, Laura Salonga, Braylon Boling, Gilian Leffler, Jose Rodriguez, Lochlan O’Neil, Lorena Laniti, Matthew Noonan, RJ OConnell, Rock Erekson Created and Directed by Jose Rodriguez A Boss Level Studios production.
My Patreon page: http://www.patreon.com/Scigor Subscribe for more: http://www.youtube.com/c/Scigor Music: Scigor Samples by Setuniman on Freesound: http://www.freesound.org/people/setuniman/ Become a Patron!
Hasha, the first illustration for FOUNDATIONS.
A character from the graphic novel
This is my first post on Patreon and it’s public! This is one of the illustrations for FOUNDATIONS, during processing. I will post the finished color version as soon as it’s ready.